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Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering - Vol. 37 , No. 11

[ Erratum ]
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering - Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 861-861
Abbreviation: J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng.
ISSN: 1225-9071 (Print) 2287-8769 (Online)
Print publication date 01 Nov 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7736/JKSPE.019.072

Erratum to: 터빈 블레이드 형상에 따른 유동특성 및 냉각성능 연구
박찬우1 ; 이동렬2, #
1고려대학교 기계공학부
2대구가톨릭대학교 기계자동차공학부

Erratum to: A Study on Flow Characteristics and Cooling Performance for Different Turbine Blade Shapes
Chan Woo Park1 ; Dong-Ryul Lee2, #
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Univesity
2School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Catholic University of Daegu
Correspondence to : #E-mail: dlee@cu.ac.kr, TEL: +82-53-850-2717

한국정밀공학회지 제 36권 제11호 pp. 1043-1049

DOI 번호: https://doi.org/10.7736/KSPE.2019.36.11.1043

출판일자: 2019년 11월 1일

제36권 제11호 1049 페이지에 사사문구를 아래와 같이 추가합니다.

이 결과물은 2019년도 대구가톨릭대학교 학술연구비 지원에 의한 것임.

Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1043-1049

DOI No. https://doi.org/10.7736/KSPE.2019.36.11.1043

Published online: 1 November, 2019

The Acknowledgement should be corrected as follows.

This work was supported by research grants from Daegu Catholic University in 2019.

The online version of the original can be found underhttps://doi.org/10.7736/KSPE.2019.36.11.1043

Dong-Ryul Lee / #Corresponding Author

School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Catholic University of DaeguKyungBuk KyungSan-si HaYang-eup HaYang-ro 13-13, Daegu, 38430, Republic of Korea

E-mail: dlee@cu.ac.kr